It’s likely that all or most of your customers are online. Start building relationships with them through the online channels they use. Social media is an easy, fast way to connect with current and potential customers. 

You need to find out which social media your customers are most active on. The best places to start are LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. The majority of your clients will have active profiles on at least one of these sites. 

Getting Started: 

  • First, set up a LinkedIn group, a Twitter profile, or a Facebook page depending on which channels your customers use. 
  • Include links to your profiles in all future communications with clients. 
  • Now use these channels to communicate with your customers. Start highlighting and linking to valuable and relevant content. Share your thoughts on topics others post. Remember to engage with anyone who leaves comments and feedback. 

Remember to make the content relevant to your customers. Everyone likes to deal with companies they feel know and understand them. 

TOP TIP –once you start doing this, don’t stop! Keep writing regular updates and make sure you respond to customers. It can be a big time commitment but the long term results mean it is worthwhile. 

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