Global Diversity Hub is excited to announce that it is working with Offploy a DWP Kickstart Gateway Organisation.
About the Government Kickstart Scheme
The scheme provides funding to create new job placements for 16 to 24 year olds on Universal Credit who are at risk of long term unemployment. Regardless of the size of your business there is funding available that covers:
• 100% of the National Minimum Wage (or the National Living Wage depending on the age of the participant) for 25 hours per week for a total of six months
• Associated employer National Insurance Contributions
• Employer minimum automatic enrolment contributions
• Employers can spread the start date of the job placements up until the end of December 2021
Social Media Marketing
The social media marketing is becoming integral part of today’s businesses, it not only enhances overall performance with improved outreach it will lead to increased revenue generation and brand exposure. Managed and organised properly, social media marketing will drive more traffic to your business website and promote your business through the most appropriate global social media networks.
The Global Diversity Hub Social Media Marketing Training
The Global Diversity Hub Kickstart Gateway Organisation will be focusing on social media marketing training roles which support each trainee we work with on a training plan that includes social media marketing digital skills, basics of social media marketing and employability skills. The trainee is supported by the Global Diversity training manager.
At no cost to you
Global Diversity Hub will:
• Advise you on the government placement criteria employers are required to meet to be eligible for the scheme
• Employability and job search training and set up costs
• Apply to the DWP on your behalf in accordance with that criteria
• Provide the financial governance and reporting as and when requested from the DWP
• Provide the supervision and line management support
• Work with you to find the right trainee for your organisation
If you would be interested in creating a role then please email the completed form and send it to or call 07807 474885 if you need further information.