Recent events in Ukraine and resulting increase in fuel prices have brought energy security to the fore in a way that many of us did not expect. From higher gas, electric and fuel prices, to impacts on raw material availability and the supply chain, we are all affected.


Some countries are highly dependent on Russian gas. In 2021, Europe as a whole imported 45% of its gas from Russia. Although the equivalent figure is less than 5% for the UK, we are still impacted by rocketing wholesale gas prices.


We are starting to feel the pinch in our pockets, but some are affected more than others. Industrial users of gas have been particularly badly hit by higher prices. The National Farmers’ Union has warned of the potential for a reduction in UK-grown crops. Peppers, cucumbers and aubergines may become too expensive to produce due to the high costs of heating greenhouses.


Over the longer term, other sources of supply are expected to reduce prices. In the meantime, innovation may offer solutions.


District Eating are a good example of a business riding the crest of an innovation wave. They are a young Sheffield-based company owned and run by Faye Tomson. Faye hails from a farming background, and she is passionate about helping farmers use waste energy to grow crops more efficiently. Her innovation-led business is well-placed to help support UK food production and the drive towards Net Zero.


To get to this point, District Eating have accessed a broad range of Innovate UK support, ranging from 70% funded Smart grants for large research projects through to involvement in a Global Business Innovation Programme (GBIP) agri-tech visit to Singapore.


Recent support from Innovate UK EDGE has focused on helping District Eating to develop a new commercial model. A funded project enabled the business to work with an academic institution specialising in the aquaculture sector and this was instrumental in creating new market opportunities.


The funded support from EDGE has played a key role as Faye acknowledges:


The support provided by the Innovate UK EDGE team has been invaluable and has enabled us to expand internationally and into new markets. The proactive support from EDGE has helped us identify relevant funding opportunities and our EDGE specialists have always been on hand to provide support when needed. GBIPs are a fantastic opportunity to explore new overseas markets. I would strongly recommend an application.


Innovate UK EDGE are here to support growing, innovative, ambitious and scalable businesses. If your business is looking to innovate and you are interested in exploring what support is available, please get in touch and let us help you –