Carbon literacy is a vital skill that enables individuals to comprehend how human activities affect the environment, particularly with regard to greenhouse gas emissions and their contribution to the ongoing climate crisis. It is increasingly crucial for business professionals across all sectors, especially those in small to medium sized businesses (SMEs), to acquire carbon literacy skills to facilitate swift and effective action for sustainability.

In this regard, we each play a fundamental role in mitigating the negative impacts of climate change. As SMEs account for 90% of business worldwide and impact the livelihoods of 2 billion people, developing carbon literacy skills is crucial to achieving carbon reduction and promoting sustainable practices both internally and throughout the supply chain.

Carbon literate business professionals have the knowledge to reduce their personal carbon emissions, support their organisation’s carbon reductions, and also facilitate communication with clients and the community on the effects of climate change on their local area.

It also presents an opportunity for cost savings, as increasing energy efficiency and adopting ultra-low carbon transportation options like cycling or public transport, can significantly reduce emissions and costs (Read our article on the value of sustainability strategies for SMEs). Ultimately, it enables a clear understanding of the impacts of climate change on society while identifying effective solutions to mitigate the associated risks.

At WRM, we recognise the significance of carbon literacy for business professionals through our Carbon Literacy Training program, specifically designed to empower trainees with the knowledge and tools to understand the connections between human activity, carbon emissions, and climate change. Our training curriculum covers critical topics such as energy usage, waste reduction, sustainable transportation, and effective communication on the climate crisis.

We have received full endorsement and certification from the Carbon Literacy Project, with participants receiving a globally recognised certificate upon successful completion. Additionally, our training program is aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which form the foundation of our efforts to promote social and environmental sustainability. WRM is proud to have received the Gold Award status for our Carbon Literacy Training program, highlighting that over 70% of our workforce is carbon literate.

Acquiring carbon literacy skills is indispensable for both the health of our planet and the well-being of our society. By taking part in our Carbon Literacy Training program, business professionals can actively participate in reducing emissions and promoting healthy and sustainable communities. We invite you to seize this opportunity. Contact us today to learn more about our training program and make it possible, with WRM.

If you’re interested in talking to our consultants about your bespoke carbon literacy requirements or your journey towards Carbon Net Zero, we’ll be exhibiting at the Yorkshire Sustainability Week on the 4th and 5th of July this year. Tickets are still available, so come and say hi!


Gold Carbon Literate Organisation Award – WRM – June 2023