We’ve heard many people struggle to pitch their business in less than 60 seconds, so here are the top tips from the experts at BuBul: 

Focus on the problems you solve and be creative. 

For example, when talking about my consultancy work, I could say “I use a technique known as customer journey mapping to identify weaknesses and gaps in business processes”. But that is boring, so I say “I draw pictures to help businesses get more customers and keep them for longer”. That normally gets people asking me questions and expressing interest. 

Include your USPs 

You need to include your Unique Selling Points. They’re what make you different from your competitors.  

Use a question to engage your listener 

Use Open Questions (questions that cannot be answered with just a “Yes” or “No”) to engage your listener. As an example: “What do you feel is the biggest challenge for your business at this time?” 

KISS (Keep it simple stupid) 

Ask someone else to listen to it. Do they “get it”? If not, rewrite it! 

Practice, practice, practice! 

Like anything else in life, practice makes perfect. You need to make it sound like a flowing smooth conversation, not a sales pitch. Practice in front of a mirror, or someone else, until it feels natural.  

You can find more great advice like this at www.bubulexpert.com – access over 70 business experts for just £9.99 a month.